Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i love my comfy sweater

this is hands down in my running for catchiest song of 2009. haters can talk to the moose

orcas fight forever

you can't deny this song. i've always liked the "and fight to the end but i'm only humaaannnnnnn" line. like does he think that he needs a whale to fight or that whales live forever?

mj and keiko are swimming and fighting together in that big blue ocean in the sky.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

you see what i just did there?... WORDPLAYYY part 1

this is one of my favorite songs of all time. i will defend my love for this song til the day i die. and it's horrible, but soooo great and catchy as hayfever, see what i just did there??? the wordplay in this song is so ridiculous. chef boyr.kells could've cooked up some of this stuff. listen for all the horse-related WORDPLAY gems!

and because i love prefab sprout here are two more classicks:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm such a fan of monologues in songs part 1

"You know how we used to play with the echo. The echo in The Valley of Love. All of a sudden you said, "Who's in love with Danny?, -anny?...-anny?..." And that's when I first come to know you love me."


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


"el BINGO"- Bing Crosby sings a collection of Latin American favorites! I want to hear this so bad. I'll post a track if I find one.

Until that glorious day here's something to hold you over:

el BINGO con Sr. Stardust

I love how Bowie takes potshots at Bingo every chance he gets.

vh1, you used to be so awesome.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Nueva Ola Española Spotlight #1:Cinemaspop

Fans of music, awesomeness and cheese,consider this one of the best days of your life. My appreciation for the 80's grows greater all the time. For a blog all about appreciating horrible taste the 80's are a goldmine. Spain in the 80's = Synthpop electrodance FUEGO. There was hot synthpop electro stuff coming out everywhere in the 80's but most stuff I've heard coming out of Spain during this time has been consistently hottt cheesy and awesome. Like the gayest most retro futuristic delicious mindblowing nachos you could ever imagine. As a tribute to this glorious time in Spain's musical history that has been greatly enriching my life as of late, I will be periodically doing Nueva Ola Española spotlights. The further I delve into this the more oro I'm sure to find, so stay with me.

My favorite Spanish 80's synthpop/dance group of the moment is Cinemaspop.

While I love these songs, I like other songs on the albums much much more

Their first album consists of mostly synthpop covers of movie themes. Their version of the 007 and The Good the Bad and the Ugly themes are particularly incredible. I've been making notes to myself to find a way to mix the good the bad and the ugly theme into or out of 'Single Life' by Cameo and thanks to Cinemaspop I think that dream can finally be realized. And "We love you Marilyn(part 2)" might be in the all time favorite songs category for me

La Naranja Mecanica (A Clockwork Orange)-1984

La Naranja Mecanica is my favorite Cinemaspop album. It has more actual songs and not just covers. Favorites include 'Lets go to the Movies', 'Following the Blonde', and 'Walking in Your Sleep'.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

hOLd tHaT t!Ger DoWN

This song never fails to blow minds and thoroughly entertain.